Matha-Match-It: A Computational Structure Project
This was another project we did in Term 4 (my first term being in ISTD) which was quite overwhelming at times. The aim of this project was to create an 8-bit ALU game using a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). We used a Mojo FPGA and code written in Lucid to describe the circuits and logic.
Short Version of Game Description: Matha-Match-It relies on responsive interaction and simple operations. Involving 10 Light-Emitting Diodes to indicate ten levels, the user employs a limited number of operations to reach the end of the game.
Long Version of Game Description: Matha-Match-It is a primarily a mathematics calculation game where quick thinking and reflexes are necessary. The player has to hit the target number given by choosing numbers and mathematical operations. At the start of the game, the player is given 10 lives and every mathematical operation used reduces a life. Taking too long to choose a number (more than 40 seconds) would also reduce a life. The aim of the game is to hit the target number and move to the next round where another target number will be given. Once all 10 lives are gone, the player loses the game.
We actually laser cut the acrylic for the casing at first but after all the changes to the cables, it became too small for to encase the entire circuit.
I enjoyed this project as it was a change, something fresh from all the coding and software applications.